
Thursday, June 17, 2010

Spooks, Neil Cross, and the Psychological Thriller

In trawling through publisher's websites for my new bookshop, I came across this video interview of author,  Neil Cross.  You may have read some of his novels, such as Burial released in 2009 or his latest tale of suspense, Captured released in May this year, but if not, then you may have come across his writing without knowing it.  If you are a fan of the BBC TV series Spooks, then you are familiar with Neil Cross's type of story, as he is the lead writer on the series and talks about this in the video.

I've read a couple of his books, and I have to say they are not for the faint hearted - in fact Burial had my heart racing when I woke up in the middle of the night having read a chapter before turning off my light the night before.  It was clever, and for some reason, I just had to read to the end even though I didn't really want to.  If you are a fan of the psychological thriller, then Neil Cross might be an author to try, but don't say I didn't warn you!

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